NewsMAGDA Project Kick-off Phase

MAGDA Project Kick-off Phase


The MAGDA Kick-off meeting has been organised successfully by Geomatics Research & Development s.r.l. (GReD) on the 17th November 2022 in Como, Italy. During the Kick-off meeting, the project partners presented their organisations, experiences, expertise and planned actions for the individual work packages and contributions to the MAGDA project. Finally, the partners exchanged interesting ideas and engaged in open discussions about the planned work and future actions. During the following two monthly project meetings the consortium decided also on the three MAGDA test sites, which will be located in Burgundy (France), surroundings of Bucharest (Romania), and Piedmont region (Italy). The sites will allow to test the MAGDA solution for different crops as: apple trees, vineyards, sunflowers and corn.

The consortium

The consortium consists of 7 partners from the following 6 European countries: Austria, France, Italy, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Within the project, the partners combine a range of different methods and technologies, covering geodetic, satellite remote sensing, airborne (weather drone) sensing, weather monitoring as well as modelling and soil moisture measurement.

The project

The aim of the MAGDA project is to provide valuable weather and irrigation information directly to farmers and agricultural businesses by leveraging the strengths of atmosphere and soil sensing technologies. To this end, the project consortium develops innovative technologies for atmospheric monitoring, weather forecasting and hydrological modelling based on the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the European Union’s Earth Observation (EO) programme.

Author: Roland Reiter and Janine Halder


GNSS, Earth Observation, Climate Change, Precision Farming